Bugs, bugs, and more bugs.

July 25, 2024

Entry: 5.0

As of recently, Huzi7 and I have encountered 3 major bugs. The first, is if statements always return true. Collectively, we've spent over 3 hours working on this solution, with not much to show, but we'll get back to this later. Our second major issue is outputs could only have the id "output_". I used this feature for testing purposes earlier, and quickly found a way to fix this. But this leads us to our third error. Whenever I create a new output, it just updates the previous one, meaning we can only have one output total at once. We think this is caused because we have one element that updates rather than creating a new one, we are currently working on a fix. Back to the error with the if statements; it may take about a week to debug. But you can still expect updates adding features and fixing bugs. 


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Thanks for the shoutout Sniper! :)

No problem! I really appreciate your help, it's making this much easier.