Health Script

July 3, 2024

Entry: 13.0

As I said yesterday that I would make a healthscript, so here I am.  I started off with the booleans isdead, ishit and isenemy. I then created maxhealth, armor, minhealth and currenthelth floats. I made sure that in the stat method, the currenthealth is equal to maxhealth. I then made sure that if health was less than or equal to minhealth, isdead was set to true. To finish, I created a takedamage() function, that tool 2 parameters; damage (float) and  isprrmorpeircing (boolean). It simply does this equation if isprrmorpeircing is false: currenthealth -= (damage - armor); And this equation if isprrmorpeircing is true: currenthealth -= damage; Feel free to copy this code and use it in your own projects. And if you have any, please give me ways to make the script better. 

    public bool IsEnemy = false;

    public bool IsDead = false;

    public float CurrentHealth = 100.0f;

    public float MaxHealth = 100.0f;

    public float minHealth = 0.0f;

    public float armor = 0;


    public bool IsHit = false;

    // Start is called before the first frame update

    void Start()


        CurrentHealth = MaxHealth;


    // Update is called once per frame

    void Update()


        if (CurrentHealth <= minHealth)


            IsDead = true;



    public void takeDamage(float damage, bool IsArrmorPeircing)


        if (!IsArrmorPeircing)


            damage -= armor;

            if (damage < 0)


                CurrentHealth -= damage;



        if (IsArrmorPeircing)


            CurrentHealth -= damage;




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Thanks! You should use it in your new game, it's easy to expand on.

Look what Larry posted. Did you ask him? I didn't.

I didn’t either. :)

(1 edit)

I copied it for my multiplayer. Thanks. ;>)

No problem!