Independence Day Special

July 4, 2024

Entry: 14.0

Happy Independence Day! Because today 247 years ago, marks the start of the most powerful nation ever, and the one that our game revolves around, I decided to do something special.  In honor of today, this will be replacing the last chapter: 

Operation Liberty

Objective: Infiltrate an enemy compound and rescue captured freedom fighters, using patriotic elements to celebrate Independence Day and disrupt enemy operations.

Setting and Atmosphere

  • Location: A fortified enemy base in a rural American setting. The base is surrounded by dense forests and fields, with patriotic decorations like American flags, banners, and fireworks ready for a celebration.
  • Time: The mission takes place at night to leverage the fireworks display as a distraction.

Level Layout

  1. Entry Point: The Forest Edge
    • Objective: Enter the enemy compound without being detected.
    • Details: Players start at the edge of the forest, where they must navigate through patrols and surveillance. The area is lit by sporadic fireworks, providing moments of reduced visibility for stealth movement.
    • Challenges: Avoid enemy patrols, disable security cameras, and navigate through the forest using cover.
  2. Firework Distraction: The Celebration Area
    • Objective: Use the fireworks display to mask your entry into the main compound.
    • Details: The compound's front area is set up for a fireworks celebration. Players can trigger the fireworks to create noise and visual distractions.
    • Challenges: Time the fireworks to coincide with movements, avoid detection by enemies attracted to the noise, and navigate through the celebration area.
  3. Compound Infiltration: The Outer Perimeter
    • Objective: Enter the main compound and locate the captives.
    • Details: The outer perimeter is heavily guarded with watchtowers and patrols. Players must disable alarms and find a way to infiltrate the main building.
    • Challenges: Sneak past or silently eliminate guards, disable alarm systems, and find entry points (vents, sewer tunnels, or unlocked doors).
  4. Rescue Operation: The Detention Center
    • Objective: Locate and free the captured freedom fighters.
    • Details: The detention center is within the main building, guarded by elite troops. Players must hack into security systems to unlock cells and guide the captives to safety.
    • Challenges: Bypass security measures, hack into systems, avoid detection during the rescue, and ensure the captives are not harmed.
  5. Escape and Firework Finale: The Rooftop
    • Objective: Escape with the captives and trigger the grand fireworks display.
    • Details: The final escape route is via the rooftops, where players can trigger a massive fireworks display as a signal of success. This display can also distract enemies during the escape.
    • Challenges: Navigate rooftop obstacles, fend off pursuing enemies, time the fireworks display to cover the escape, and ensure all captives make it to the extraction point.

Gameplay Mechanics

  • Fireworks as Tools: Players can use fireworks strategically to create distractions, cover sounds, and disorient enemies.
  • Stealth and Combat: Emphasize a balance between stealth (to avoid detection) and combat (for inevitable confrontations).
  • Hacking Mini-Games: Include mini-games for disabling alarms and unlocking cells, adding variety to the gameplay.
  • Rescue and Escort: Players must ensure the safety of the captives, adding a layer of challenge as they guide them to the extraction point.

Narrative and Dialogue

  • Patriotic Theme: Incorporate dialogue and narrative elements that highlight the significance of Independence Day, freedom, and resistance against oppression.
  • Cutscenes: Use cutscenes to show the planning of the mission, the rescue operation, and the final celebration with the fireworks display.

End Sequence

  • Celebration Cutscene: Show a cutscene of the team celebrating their success with the grand fireworks display lighting up the night sky. The display can form patriotic symbols like the American flag, emphasizing the theme of freedom.
  • Mission Debrief: End with a debrief where the success of the mission is highlighted, and plans for future operations are hinted at.

Please comment other ideas for the plan. Today, I'll actually be making some background music for a change. Please don't make fun of me foe what I'm about to do. I opened chrome music lab. I don' t have enough space in this devlog to give you a sample, but I will post a Bulletstorm Asset Pack, link will be in the comments so you can see some of this for yourself. 


Also, please try out my new game: Dishes n' Dragons.


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Awesome Idea. Happy Independence Day. :)

(1 edit)

Thanks, you too!

Bulletstorm Asset Pack