Change Of Plans

July 7, 2024

Entry: 17.0

I was thinking all morning on how to fix the M4A1, and I said to myself, what kind of spy walks around with a gun in their backs. What if there was no M4A1. Would the game still be fun? I think it would be more fun. If you really think about it, any speedrunner could just fire away at any chapter. Without the M4A1, it will seem more like a spy game rather than special ops. If I have any problems with the M1911, I'll remove it, but I think a pistol would be awesome for a spy game. That's all for now, please let me know what you think in the comments.

Also, please try out my new game: Dishes n' Dragons


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(1 edit)

The M1911 probably won't work, but I agree with you. The game is more fun without the M4A1.

Yeah, probably. Thanks for your opinion.